I’ll be the first to admit it: I couldn’t see the hype of the Stanley cups that every soccer mom seems to have. Sure, they come in a variety of different colors and you can even customize them if you want. But what was the big idea?
Isn’t that right, Hugo? What’s the big idea?
So, anyway…as a birthday gift to me and a treat to Maks, we went to Dick’s Sporting Goods to look at cups. Not that I really wanted one, but I wanted to see if it was worth having one despite the cost (and they can go upwards to $50).
While we both were originally set on Stanleys (Maks wanted a cup specifically for work), we decided to expand our horizons and look at YETI as well.
After searching for way too long (and a more than a little disappointed that I couldn’t find a royal purple color in Stanley that I found in YETI), I decided on a sleek, faded pink color. For the record, pink is not my favorite color but it’s a color that looks good on me and I happen to wear it a lot.
Maks chose an Army-green YETI. While he did like the Stanleys, he felt the YETI was more his speed and style. Here’s a a comparison of our cups in their own photoshoot:

Of course, we had to stunt just a little…

So, we’ve had these tumblers for a couple of weeks now. What’s the verdict? Let’s break it down by tumbler:
Maks loves his! He says it keeps his coffee very warm for a long time, and it’s very convenient to have it at the office. Since he doesn’t travel very much, it’s fine for him to be stationery. He doesn’t have to worry about it spilling over. Even when it accidentally fell one time (no coffee was in it), it remained intact and there were no obvious scratches or bruises.
Maks says the YETI is easy to clean and store.
He rates it 10/10.
Since I travel/drive around a lot, I mainly use my Stanley when I’m in my car. It fits very well in the cupholder (I drive a Camry), and it keeps my water very cold. I will have to say I do need to position it just right so the driving shift stick doesn’t hit it.
I will say I think I will need to get one of those cute straw toppers I’ve seen on Etsy because I am worried about bugs and potential dust flying in.
In terms of wine, (and let me preface this: I was at home, and not driving or planning to), Stanley did keep my wine cool. And because I kept sipping on it, I got tipsy quicker than I would’ve otherwise. Win-win!
The Stanley is a little difficult to clean. I found that I need a tumbler brush to clean it because it’s so deep. Air-drying does take a bit long as well.
On that, I rank my Stanley 9/10.
While Maks absolutely loves his YETI, I only like my Stanley. Maybe I fell for the hype just a little. I don’t regret buying it by any means, but I don’t think I was overly wowed by it. The Stanley, however, does its job and really, that’s what matters.